Post by Mathias DuboisPost by ParkoNot knowing what your individual circumstances are you might find that
Inkscape or Scribus fits your needs. Haven't used Photoshop for years...
These are layout programs, not image processing programs.
As I already said: a hard proof is the product of a machine called a
proofer, a press proof is the product of the original printing machine
the job is expected to be done with. A softproof is a color reduction
because sRGB and AdobeRGB both have a wider range of gamut than any
printer can handle. There can only be one of those two options: display,
which works with a wide range of colors that can be preceived on-screen
and softproof which deals with a reduced set of colors, according to
what the printer can handle.
you can simulate a hard proof, Kodak did it with PCS100, and maybe
Prophecy and Design Master, Design Master was Eikonix before Kodak
bought it, Kodak bought Eikonix because it had a patent which made
scanners with filtration matching XYZ, Prophecy and PCS100 were the
Eikonix Kodak people's products, I didn't quite understand that the
print reference medium of the above products would have to be made inot
an option for other media to get these products from the pre-press
markets in which they were successful to the commercial photo labs that
were interested in color management for multi-purposing of images
one way to do a hard proof, you just use the proofer's profile and not
the monitor, use the proofer's space as the working space
one way if you want to simulate a hard proof on the monitor, you use the
"reverse" transform in the profile for the proofer, for instance
CMYK->XYZ, then XYZ of the proofer to XYZ of the monitor then the
"forward" transform of the monitor's profile, for instance XYZ->RGB,
this implies an XYZ working space, but you could pick a device space by
a simulation of a press proof works the same way
a better hard proof simulation incorporates the press's profile, for
instance CMYK of press to XYZ of press to XYZ of proofer to XYZ of the
monitor to RGB of the monitor
all of the above should happen in the frame buffer of the graphics card
above the working space, for instance RGB of proof or simulation of
proof to RGB of working space, the working space should be held in
memory for editing under the buffer, the edits are made to the
simulation in the frame buffer then transferred to the working space and
eventually a standard storage space which should be a CIE delta E* space
like LAB or LUV for quality and purposing considerations
I'm wondering if/when CIECAM will enter ICC
I'm also wondering if/when ICC and W3C will meet