Post by Sheikh Faridul HasanPost by Mike RussellPost by Sheikh Faridul HasanWhat is relation between Contrast & Color Temperature? Also between
Lightness & Color Temperature?
There is no equation to convert between the two. Contrast and Lightness
are both luminance phenomena, while Color temp is color related.
In nature, dim, low contrast light happens to be bluer (higher color temp),
but I don't thin this is what your question is addressing.
Mike Russell -
Dear Mike,
I think i did not explain my question well.
As U have said "In nature, dim, low contrast light happens to be bluer
(higher color temp)" this.... is any other phenomena that can
relate contrast,brightness with Color temperature of the LCD monitor??
The correlated color temperature CCT of a color is meaningful only
for colors which are neutral or almost neutral:
A monitor doesn't have just one color temperature for all almost
neutral colors. The CCT can vary with the luminance of the test patch.
Often one has an unwanted change of the CCT for dark patches.
IMO, the accuracy of CCT settings is limited by device accuracies
(monitor, instrument) and software.
Ideally, the CCT of a calibrated monitor (as measured for several
neutral patches with different luminances) should be entirely indepen-
dent of the brightness/contrast settings.
Best regards --Gernot Hoffmann